Sunday, October 10, 2010

They're all crazy

Why can't the writers on Grey's Anatomy just make something work right? I'm glad Meredith and Derek are finally together, but something has to work for someone else. Maybe Lexi and Mark should finally work something out. But, I guess it's not drama otherwise!
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Make it work!

The contestants designed clothes for Heidi Klum's line. First of all, I think the clothes were horrible. Mondo is be best designer and has been since the beginning. I think Gretchen needs to get the boot, she has such an attitude!
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It's Ray LaMontagne

I feel like I'm in an episode of Parenthood. My husband keeps blasting Ray LaMontagne in the car!
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Friday, October 8, 2010


I am loving The Big Bang Theory even though it was moved to Thursday nights. I have a lot of shows to watch on Thursday and I am way behind!!